The Apple Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) feature was launched on September 20, 2021. It is part of a larger initiative by Apple to help users take control of their data. However, this has a number of implications for email senders. To better understand how Apple's MPP might affect your email program, we've created a comprehensive guide to answer all your MPP questions, provide the latest information using our extensive data set, and give you tips on how to make adjustments to your email program. We'll continue to update this guide as we learn more about MPP and the feature becomes more widely adopted. Jump to any section with our table of contents below. What is Apple Mail Privacy Protection (MPP)? What impact has the MPP had on engagement data?
How to Adjust to Apple's Email Privacy Protection How to Stay Informed About Apple's Email Privacy Protection What is Apple's Email Privacy Protection Update? Mail Privacy Protection is a new option located in Settings for Apple devices in iOS 15 and macOS 12 job title email list Monterey. When users open the Apple Mail app for the first time after downloading the latest operating systems, they'll be prompted to choose whether they want to protect their privacy. If users decide to protect their privacy, this option enables MPP and hides their IP address. Alternatively, users can go to
“Settings” → “Mail” → “Privacy Protection”, then choose whether they want to both hide their IP address and protect email activity or enable only one of the privacy protection features. Who will be impacted by Mail Privacy Protection? The MPP will impact both recipients and senders of emails. To enable MPP, users must have Apple devices, configure their email account to use Apple Mail apps, update their OS to the latest version, and opt in to MPP.How does Apple's Email Privacy Protection affect email senders? By anonymizing open tracking, MPP prevents email senders from fully understanding how MPP-enabled recipients interact with their company's emails. While senders can still view click tracking, it will be more difficult to recognize unengaged contacts or gauge the success of an email campaign without open tracking data. However, there are still misconceptions about this Apple update. A new study shows that 77% of marketers believe that MPP is automatically enabled on recipient devices, but this is not the case. Users must manually enable this feature on their phones