You can of course play with the order. I often Country Email List start the page with an introduction, which summarizes the underlying parts in a few sentences. Ultimately, as an entrepreneur, you want to sell something. Tell about yourself in a relevant way Country Email List to potential customers. Give people the feeling that they have come to the right place.Heineken just opened a virtual brewery there, Tommy Hilfiger now holds his fashion shows and, according Country Email List to Marc Zuckerberg, the metaverse economy will be just as big as the physical economy as we know it today. Not a day goes by without another organization reporting that they have joined the metaverse.
Many trendsetters say that 2022 is the Country Email List year of the metaverse, but what can you concretely do with it as an organization? This Country Email List article provides an overview of the latest options. If you've never worn virtual reality goggles, you probably Country Email List don't understand much of all the commotion surrounding the metaverse. Immersing Country Email List yourself and really feeling part of the virtual environment is what sets it apart from the current virtual environments we see on our flat screens. Today.
Gaming industry is worth more than the Country Email List global film and sports industry combined. Where the internet is built by web developers, the metaverse will be built by game developers. High hopes for the metaverse According to the researchers Country Email List at Ark Invest (pdf), in 2021 we spent 38% of our free time digitally and this is expected to be 52% by 2030. By 2026, according to Gartner , a quarter of people and a third of organizations will be active Country Email List in the metaverse. According to Grayscale , the number of users has already increased tenfold in the past year. By 2030, the metaverse economy could reach $13 trillion in size.