BCP is developed and tested by business representatives throughout the company including all offices together with external agents on whom the business process is tied. BCP is developed for all chains of the organization's activities. The plan includes not only the risks and threats associated with IT, but everything that, according to the business assessment, can affect the work of the organization. If the company does not have a disaster recovery plan.
The IT department is not mature enough, the BCP may also contain information to restore business processes tied to the IT infrastructure. But this is a special case. For the most part, this role belongs to DRP - a document with instructions for the IT department. Many vendors of backup systems offer Whatsapp Mobile Number List options in the documentation for organizing disaster recovery of the backup server. DRP must take into account several scenarios for the development of events for the increase in damage.
The minimum scenario list power outage, server failure, fire or building destruction . through take into account the network infrastructure cables, connectors, routers, etc. security system access system and information security power supplies and power supply protection grounding, lightning rods, voltage filters, limiters climatic devices air conditioning, heating, ventilation technical and managerial staff.