What is a sales funnel? A sales funnel (also known email list as a revenue funnel or sales process) refers to the path that customers follow to become a customer. Sales funnel stages include top of funnel (tofu), middle of funnel (mofu), and bottom of funnel (bofu). What is a sales funnel used for ? A sales funnel makes it easy to follow up on leads. With a good follow-up process, you can avoid the worst feeling in the world: missing a sales opportunity. You know when someone stops answering your emails and won't pick up the phone? You can avoid this.
Why does this happen? A few reasons: disorganization : you haven't defined your sales follow-up steps and prospects are getting confused (having ideas in your head does not count as a plan). Outdatedtechnology : you don't have the tools to make the process easier for email list yourself or the person you're talking to. When the process is confusing, a prospect's interest in talking to you tends to wane. Instead of just missing out on sales that you know would benefit from your product, you can use an automated sales funnel to track leads and know exactly where they are in the process.
This way you know the content they need at email list every step leading up to the fun part – the conversion. And a funnel's tools — like marketing automation — walk them through every step so you don't have to monitor their progress every minute of the day. The reliability of a sales funnel means that leads don't fall through the cracks. Start your free trial of activecampaign. Get 14 days of the best marketing and sales automation platform - totally free (no credit card, no obligation. Instant setup). Enter your email register people recognized the need for an organized sales funnel as early as the 19th century. In 1898,