The phone number list recent Google Penguin update had all but neutralized the strategies used by the agency. Between that and a few bad hiring decisions, he was losing clients left and right. Taking control of the phone number list agency didn't magically change things. In fact, it nearly failed for almost a year after that, as I put out fires and tried to rebuild both the company's customer base and the marketing techniques it used. It wasn't easy, but if you're in this position now - where your business is close to failure - know that I've been there. I know what it's like to look failure in the face. But I also know what it takes phone number list to get out of this situation.
Disaster planning for business
Potential failure is scary. It wakes you up at 3am and haunts every action you take during the day. But worst of all, it puts you at risk of making emotional rather than logical decisions. To avoid making bad decisions based on fear, you need a plan. There are many ways phone number list to do this, but one of the best is the if/then scenario planning framework developed by Vinod Khosla, founder of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
According to Khosla, “The phone number list purpose of if/then scenario planning is to better understand how you can manage your business expenses and ensure capital efficiency in order to be successful.” Five core principles guide Khosla's approach. I'll share an example of Khosla planning phone number list in action later in this article. But since you can't make phone number list contingency plans until you know what you're working with, your first step should be to get your numbers down.
Know your numbers
Ideally, you phone number list should know the numbers for your business whether or not you are facing failure. To help you understand where you stand, I've broken down common business expenses into the phone number list different categories that I used when planning to back up the single grain. But I'm not a CPA. This is not the final word on the breakdown of phone number list business expenses. Use it as a starting point, but customize it to your needs based on your situation.