During the last months of the year, we tend to burn the candle at both ends. We juggle holiday shopping, family in town, year-end income goals, and email campaigns that need to work well. That's a lot of pressure for just a few months. While we can't help you with purchases (unless your SO wants a super cool email provider ), we can help get your ducks online for a hugely successful holiday email campaign. This article outlines what you need to do before, during, and after the holidays to create a successful holiday email program that will carry you into the new year.
Here you'll find inspirational holiday email examples, helpful tips, and ready-to-use seasonal campaign templates to make planning easier. This guide will cover the following topics: Tips for Planning Holiday Emails Vacation Email Templates and Examples Tips for Testing and Optimizing the Best Holiday Email Campaigns Best Practices for Holiday Email job title email list Sending Tips for managing post- holiday and churn I. Vacation Email Planning Tips Make your list and double check it! In times of uncertainty, planning ahead and anticipating the unexpected can make all the difference. Understanding that things can change both for your recipients and for you as the sender of the email can help you approach the holiday season with confidence.
No matter what, you'll be able to shift gears and continue to deliver value to your subscribers. expect the unexpected Consider your recipients and how their context has changed over the past few holiday seasons. Although we have seen progress, the world is still far from normal in 2021. With the presence of COVID-19 changing the way we think about travel and social closeness, it is useful to keep in mind to just how contextual email communications really are. Here are some examples and questions to ask yourself when looking to create the best holiday email campaigns this season: